From 2.1 to 2.2


We recommend that you create a backup of the following folders or move them to a safe location:

  • app/
  • public/foolfuuka/boards/


Depending upon your configuration, you may not need to backup the public/foolfuuka/boards/ directory.

Obtain the Latest Code

$ cd /path/to/foolfuuka
$ git checkout 2-2-stable
$ composer update --optimize

Update Core Framework Config Files

You are required to update the app/foolz/foolframe/config/config.php file to match the following config provided:

return array(
    'config' => array(
        'cookie_prefix' => 'foolframe_NEW_',
    'install' => array(
        'installed' => true,
    'modules' => array(
        'installed' => array(
            'foolframe' => array(
                'context' => '\\Foolz\\FoolFrame\\Model\\Context',
                'namespace' => 'foolz/foolframe',
            'foolfuuka' => array(
                'context' => '\\Foolz\\FoolFuuka\\Model\\Context',
                'namespace' => 'foolz/foolfuuka',

Restart Services

You may need to restart the following services:

  • Apache/Nginx/etc.